Convening a workshop at WCIMH 2023 is an excellent way to bring together experts on a particular topic, review recent results from an ongoing experimental campaign, plan a new project, or increase visibility and awareness of a given area of research.
Conveners should adopt a workshop format that allows plenty of time for discussion.
Depending on the goals for the workshop, session conveners can consider their best format
The 2nd World Congress WCIMH Committee invites proposals for Workshops to be presented in Rome, September 2023.
Members of the Scientific Review Committee will evaluate the quality of the submitted Workshop proposals on the basis of the following criteria:
- Novelty of the Workshop
- Significance of the goals
- Needs assessment
- Clarity
- Relevance to integrative medicine
Required Workshop Proposal Format
- Title: Workshop title and acronym if relevant
- Language: English
- Abstract:
- Number of words: 400 words (title, authors and institutions, and 3-6 keywords not included);
- Authors and their organization affiliations must be included;
- All images and graphs must be included in the Word Document;
- All authors of the abstract have to be listed, including their affiliations;
- Topics and Motivation: What are the topics, themes, and areas of interest of the Workshop? How is the Workshop relevant to integrative medicine and WCIMH 2023 topics?
- Goals and Expected Results: What are the expected results of the Workshop?
- How will these results be disseminated? How will the Workshop specifically address identified needs/gaps?
- Format: What is the planned Workshop format? What will be done to stimulate collaborative interaction?
- Length of Time: There are 105-minute Workshop spaces available
- Previous presentation: Have you presented this Workshop or a Workshop on the same topic at previous scientific meetings? If so, when, where, and how many participants?
- If the material has been accepted for publication or has recently been published, it is the author’s responsibility to make sure that the journal’s copyright rules are not violated. The Workshop proposal should comply with the ethics of scholarly activities in general and should be free of commercial bias. If chosen, the organizers and speakers must disclose conflicts of interest as required by continuing education accreditation bodies.
How to Submit your Workshop Proposal
Please submit your Workshop Proposal writing to:
Workshop Opportunities
Workshop Rooms are available upon payment
20% discount if you confirm within March 30th!
For details
ROOM 9 - 32 pax
An old style classroom

- Screen 180×250 cm
- Videoprojector Full Hd 6500 ansi lumen
- 2 PC
- Audio System
ROOM 10 – 40 pax
Set up with folding desk chairs

- Screen 180×250 cm
- Videoprojector Full Hd 6500 ansi lumen
- 2 PC
- Audio System
ROOM 11 -70 pax
As an english style lecture hall

- Screen 180×250 cm
- Videoprojector Full Hd 6500 ansi lumen
- 2 PC
ROOM Torretta 40 pax
With an amazing view over the rooftops of Rome

- Screen 180×250 LCD 65”
- 1 PC
- Audio System
ROOM MINOR 300 pax
High acoustic performance

- Screen 4×3 m
- VideoprojectorFull Hd 6500 ansi lumen
- 2 PC
- Audio System