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Late-breaking Abstract


 14th -20th August 21st August -1st September After September 3rd
Submission time Evaluation period Decision & Notification to Authors

Late breaker abstracts may be eligible for oral presentation at the conference.
To be eligible, the abstract must fulfil all the following criteria:

  1. Report containing novel, surprising findings.
  2. Report data or information that was unavailable before the deadline for submission in the general call for abstracts.
  3. Has not been published before.

Abstracts submitted for the regular program, but rejected, are not eligible for consideration as late breaker abstracts, unless they were rejected because critical data were not yet available.

After submissions close, the late breaker abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and selected for the programme. The results of this review process will be communicated to authors by email by September 3rd

Abstracts should be submitted online only.
During the abstract submission process, authors have to select only one preferred presentation type.
Final decision on abstract category will be made by the Scientific Committee.